​Zen Meditation Sessions

In a Buddhist sutra, it is told that Ananda, one of the Buddha's disciples, remarked that sangha (community, fellowship, or spiritual friendship) was at least half of the spiritual life. The Buddha replied, "Say not so, Ananda, say not so. Spiritual friendship is the whole of the spiritual life!"

At Louisville Zen Center, our sangha practice is commonly referred to as 'zazen', ‘sittings,’ ‘formal sittings,’ ‘group meditation,’ ‘group practice,’ or ‘meditation sessions.’ We meet both in-person and online.

Weekly Sitting Schedule

  • Sunday evenings in-person and online at Infinite Bliss Yoga.
  • Tuesday evenings in-person and online at Heart of Perfect Wisdom Zendo.
  • Thursday evenings are online only. On alternating weeks, we offer either zazen or continuing meditation (group) instruction at 6:30-7:05pm. Afterwards, until 8pm, Private Instruction is available to Louisville Zen Center members.

Note: Our weekly sitting schedule will be impacted by retreats at Heart of Perfect Wisdom Zendo and Rochester Zen Center. Please check our calendar to confirm the meeting date before attending.

Participation Fee

There is no charge for participating in our sessions. Louisville Zen Center operates largely on dana (generosity). We suggest a donation of $5 - $10, but any contribution, big or small, is deeply appreciated. To make a lasting commitment to Louisville Zen Center, consider becoming a member. Membership provides essential support for the Center's work, even when you can't be present. Membership and other forms of giving are tax-deductible.